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Access to all of Zhaawano's blog posts from 2011 to 2025

Finding Inspiration in the Ancient Teachings of the Land

Boozhoo, biindigen! Hello, welcome! This page provides links to all the stories written by Zhaawano Giizhik from 2011 to the present. 


The links

Introduction: Who are we and what brings us here?

The First Step, Part 1

The First Step, Part 2

The First Step, Part 3

Teaching Stories: Footsteps of Our Ancestors

Teaching Stories: Rebirth of a Powerful and Enchanting Art

Teaching stories: Undercurrent of Life

Teaching Stories: How the Spirit of Mandaamin Came to the World

Teaching Stories: Where Is It That You Dwell? 

Teaching Stories: The Fire Within

Teaching Stories: Birth of Turtle Island

Teaching Stories: The Origin and Spirit Powers of the Birch Tree

Teaching Stories: Walking the Sacred Path of Life

Teaching Stories: Heartbeat of the Earth

Teaching Stories: Footprints of the Wolf
Teaching Stories: The Cycle of Life

Teaching Stories: The Spirit of Sunset

Teaching Stories: Giigoonh, Silent Being of Lakes and Streams

Teaching Stories: The Trees Speak, Story 1

Teaching stories: The Good Way of the Warrior

Teaching Stories: Finding Back the Road to Wisdom

Teaching Stories: That Which Is Given To Us

Teaching Stories: I Am an Invisible Child

Teaching Stories: The Paradoxical Nature of Life

Teaching stories: The Spirit of Humility

Teaching Stories: Life Is a Dance

Teaching Stories: We Are All Related

Teaching Stories: Our Fires

Teaching stories: Entering a Different Reality

Teaching Stories: The Seven Grandfather Teachings - Weaving Threads of Tradition 

Star Stories: Fisher Star in the Sun

Star Stories: The Power of Dreaming
Star Stories: A Revolving Sky Above Nibaad Misaabe

Star Stories: The Amazing Legend of Yellow Star and the Sleeping Giant
Star Stories: A Vision of Love

Star Stories: Parallel Paths
Star Stories: A Gentle Rumble Across the Universe

Star Stories: Our Clans Among the Stars, chapter 1

Star Stories: Our Clans Among the Stars, chapter 2

Star stories: Ojibwe Star Map: An Artistic Rendering

Star Stories: The Moose on Earth and in the Sky

Star Stories: How the Fisher Brought Summer to the North

Star Stories: A Love Poem for Jane

Star Stories: Just a Thought

Star Stories: They Go with Someone in a Canoe

Star Stories: The Wolf Above and the Wolf Below

Star Stories: Jiingwan and the Blood Star

Star Stories: The Boy Who Came From the Sun

Star Stories: The Great Thunderbird That Dwells Among the Stars

Star Stories: The Blood Moon, When Great Changes Begin

Star Stories: The Great Thunderbird That Dwells Among the Stars

Star Stories: A Celestial Love Affair

Star Stories: Gift of the Water Drums

Star Stories: Eagle Feather Woman and the Visitor From the Stars

Star Stories: The Vision of Sees-Beyond-the-Stars-Woman

Star Stories: The Mighty Winds From Our Grandfather in the Sky

Star Stories: A Message From the Thunderbirds
Star Stories: New Beginnings (A Love Poem)

Star Stories: To Fly With the Sky Bison

Star Stories: The Creation of the Sun, the Earth, and the Moon

Star Stories: The Story of the Morning Star and the Evening Star

Star Stories: When Waakwi Aki Dances Backward in the Sky

Star stories: Dance of the Orange Blue Supermoon

Star Stories: Why We Must Relearn Our Stories

Star Stories: When Oshkaabewis Travels the Wolf Trail

Star Stories: Does My Storytelling Qualify as Science Fiction?

Star Stories: Harvesting Medicine Along the Cedar Trail

Star Stories: Mishibizhiw and the Great Passing of the Spirit Rabbit

Star Stories: The Great Sky Bear That Lives Among the Stars

Star Stories: Looking Through the Hole in the Sky

Star Stories: A Lullaby

Star Stories: Wenabozho Meets the Winter Maker
Teachings of the Eagle Feather: Growth Is a Mystery
Teachings of the Eagle Feather: Prayer to the North
Teachings of the Eagle Feather: My Good Enemy
Teachings of the Eagle Feather: Prayer to the East
Teachings of the Eagle Feather: Sky Dreamers
Teachings of the Eagle Feather: The Eagle and the Sun
Teachings of the Eagle Feather: The First Feather
Teachings of the Eagle Feather: Migizi's Dream
Teachings of the Eagle Feather: Both Sides of the Sky
Teachings of the Eagle Feather: Spiritual Perception

Teachings of the Eagle Feather: Dialogue with the Cosmos
Teachings of the Eagle Feather: Fill Our Spirits with Goodness
Teachings of the Eagle Feather: The Color of Love
Teachings of the Eagle Feather: Spirit of the Three Fires
Teachings of the Eagle Feather: Seeing in a Spirit Way
Teachings of the Eagle Feather: Wings of the Sun Hawk
Teachings of the Eagle Feather: The Language of Our Hearts
Teachings of the Eagle Feather: The Silent Spirit of Dawn
Teachings of the Eagle Feather: Trail of Seven Fires
Teachings of the Eagle Feather: The Heart-shaped Path of the People
Teachings of the Eagle Feather: Eagle Feathers and Braids of Northern Sweetgrass

Teachings of the Eagle Feather: A Song of Great Power

Teachings of the Eagle Feather: The Gift of Spring

Teachings of the Eagle Feather: How the Smoking of the Pipe Brought Peace and Healing to the People of the Three Fires 

Teachings of the Eagle Feather: How the Golden Eagle Got Its Dark Plumage

Teachings of the Eagle Feather: Sky Blanket and the Gifts of the Little Cedar Tree
Teachings of the Eagle Feather: Spirit of Thunder Mountain

Teachings of the Eagle Feather: Path of the Sun Dancer

Teachings of the Eagle Feather: Flight of the Thunderbird Sky Dreamer

Teachings of the Eagle Feather: A Teaching of the Hawk

Teachings of the Eagle Feather: A Flower of Fire

Teachings of the eagle Feather: Through the Eagle Feather Will You Speak

Teachings of the Eagle Feather: Spirit of the War Eagle

Teachings of the Eagle Feather: Fire of the Thunder Beings

Teachings of the Eagle Feather: Ojibwe Terms of Endearment
Teachings of the Eagle Feather: A Song for Moses

Reflections of the Great Lakes: The Lake is Singing My Song

Reflections of the Great Lakes: Nibi, Source of Life

Reflections of the Great Lakes: Look into the Water of a Clear Lake

Reflections of the Great Lakes: We Are Still Here!

Reflections of the Great Lakes: The Spirit of Manoomin

Reflections of the Great Lakes: Mishi-ginebig, Patron of Healing and Wisdom

Reflections of the Great Lakes: Mishi-name, The Great Sturgeon

Reflections of the Great Lakes: A Good Way of Life

Reflections of the Great Lakes: Earth Song

Reflections of the Great Lakes: Sunset at Gichigami

Reflections of the Great Lakes: Encounter with a Black Bear

Reflections of the Great Lakes: The Lake Remembers

Reflections of the Great Lakes: Tobacco, Sacred Gifts of the Thunderbirds

Reflections of the Great Lakes: Zhingibis and the Spirit of the North Wind

Reflections of the Great Lakes: Zhingibis and the Heart Berry

Reflections of the Great Lakes: Why I Use Silver in My Wedding Rings

Reflections of the Great Lakes: Animosh and the Twins

Reflections of the Great Lakes: They Speak From a Great Distance

Teachings from the Tree of Life: The Healing Mirror
Teachings from the Tree of Life: A Vision of Healing

Teachings from the Tree of Life: The Purpose of Life
Teachings from the Tree of Life: The Bends and the Rocks in the River

Teachings from the Tree of Life: Gift of the Heart

Teachings from the Tree of Life: Native Reflections from the Sacred Medicine Circle
Teachings from the Tree of Life: Life is like a Rocky Hill Path

Teachings from the Tree of Life: We Learn as We Walk the Path of Life/A Reflection on Life and on Our Role as Artists
Teachings from the Tree of Life: The Girl Who Walked the Bear Path

Teachings from the Tree of Life: A Spring Musing

Teachings from the Tree of Life: The Mirror

Teachings from the Tree of Life: The Healing Dance

Teachings from the Tree of Life: The Mashkikiikewin Life

Teachings from the Tree of Life: About Polarization and the Medicine of Respect

Teachings from the Tree of Life: It's the Way You're treating Yourself

Teachings from the Tree of Life: There Is Nothing Wrong With You

Teachings from the Tree of Life: The Poison in Turtle Island Soil

Teachings from the Tree of Life: Shadow of a Warrior

Teachings from the Tree of Life: Look for the Fire Within

Teachings from the Tree of Life: how Do We Keep Our Language Real?

Teachings from the Tree of Life: Why Bears Never Speak Backward but Some Indians Do
Teachings from the Tree of Life: We Have a Mind of Our Own, So Use It

Teachings from the Tree of Life: What's the Link between Fire and Sound?
Teachings from the Tree of Life: Wenabozho Meets Jesus

Teachings from the Tree of Life: Our Role as Storytellers

Teachings from the Tree of Life: Finding the Missing Link

Teachings from the Tree of Life: We All Paddle Our Own Canoe

Teachings from the Tree of Life: The Truth of Decolonization - Why We Must Nurture Our Language Roots

Teachings from the Tree of Life: Why the Owls Bring Healing

Teachings from the Tree of Life: The Issue of Shame

Teachings From the Tree of Life: The Empathic Nature of Ojibwe Language

Teachings From the Tree of Life: Don't Judge. We All Have Scars

Teachings From the Tree of Life, part 34: Anger is a Wiindigoo

Teachings From the Tree of Life, part 35: The Cedar Branch on the Fire

The Way of the Heartbeat: The Sound of the Mide Drum
The Way of the Heartbeat: Dream of the Spirit Berries
The Way of the Heartbeat: Just as a Seed, So Is a Child
The Way of the Heartbeat: A Shared Journey on the Good Red Road
The Way of the Heartbeat: Life in the Bosom of the Earth
The Way of the Heartbeat: A Sacred Fire Burns Deep in the Earth

The Way of the Heartbeat: The True Meaning of the Word Debwewin

The Way of the Hearbeat: The Power of Sound

The Way of the Heartbeat: The Knowledge in Our Hearts

The Way of the Heartbeat: This Is My Ceremony

The Way of the Heartbeat: Put on Your Makizinan

The Way of the Heartbeat: Maskawiziiwin and the Power of Forgiveness

The Way of the Heartbeat: Walk with Courage

The Way of the Heartbeat: Wenabozho and the Painted Drum

The Way of the Heartbeat: As Your Heart Beats

The Way of the Heartbeat: A Love Poem for Jane High Eagle

The Way of the Heartbeat: The Pulse of My Heart Drum

The Way of the Heartbeat: Ode'imin and the Wiindigoo of Polarization
Stories from the Land of Crane and Turtle: Journey of Our People

Stories from the Land of Crane and Turtle: Wenabozho and the Butterflies
Stories from the Land of Crane and Turtle: Zhoomin and the Vision of the Dancing Corn Plants
Stories from the Land of Crane and Turtle: Wenabozho and the Magic Bow

Stories from the Land of Crane and Turtle: Wenabozho and the Disappearance of the Sun

Stories from the Land of Crane and Turtle: Manidoowigwisimaa and the Return of the Fire Spirit

Love Stories from the Land of Many Lakes: Waabizheshi and the Mermaid
Love Stories from the Land of Many Lakes: Sleeping Bear and her Children
Love Stories from the Land of Many Lakes: A Pink Rose
Love Stories from the Land of Many Lakes: The Flower and the Star
Love Stories from the Land of Many Lakes: Wenabozho and the Roses
Love Stories from the Land of Many Lakes: Gibwanasii and Thunder Eagle Woman
Love Stories from the Land of Many Lakes: Where Earth and Sky Meet
Love Stories from the Land of Many Lakes: North Star Woman and the Call of the Loon

Love Stories from the Land of Many Lakes: They Danced with Each Other
Love Stories from the Land of Many Lakes: Thunderbirds, Keepers of Sacred Medicine

Love Stories from the Land of Many Lakes: The Loving Earth
Love Stories from the Land of Many Lakes: Return of the Drum Called Humble Spirit
Love Stories from the Land of Many Lakes: Walking the Rough and Winding Road

Love Stories from the Many Lakes: The Pledge: The Amazing Love Story of Star Sinking In The Water and Little Morning Star

Love Stories from the Land of Many Lakes: Wenabozho and the Storytellers' Mirror

Love Stories from the land of Many lakes: More Than Life Itself (a love poem)

Love Stories from the Land of Many Lakes: Fire in My Heart (a love poem)

Love stories from the Land of Many Lakes: Does a Canoe Have Dreams? (a love poem)

Love Stories from the Land of Many Lakes: Yellow Star Woman's Dream Vision

Love Stories from the Land of Many Lakes: Seek the Deepest Blue of the Sky (A Love Poem)
What's Your Doodem, Part 1
What's Your Doodem: He Who Walks Around the Turtle Island

What's Your Doodem: Cut-tail, Teacher Among Teachers (The Story of the Catfish Clan)

What's Your Doodem: The Story of Giniw

What's Your Doodem: Dance of the Otter

What's Your Doodem: Shells, Cranes & Clans: The Story of the Origin of Our Clans

What's Your Doodem: Indoodem, The Breast From Which I Draw

What's Your Doodem: He/She Whose Footprints Have Sunk Deep into Our Hearts

The Trees Speak: Stories of the Maple Tree

The Trees Speak: Birth of the Bear Berry Tree
The Trees Speak: Debaajimood and the Story Tree

The Trees Speak: Why We Must Learn to Remember the Old Language

The Trees Speak: The Eagle and the Tamarack Tree

Reawakening of the Medicine People: The Amazing Story Of The Sleeping Medicine People

Reawakening of the Medicine People: Zhooniyaa, Precious Gift of the Underworld

Reawakening of the Medicine People: A Tribute to the Medicine Warriors of Our Time

Reawakening of the Medicine People: Wenabozho's Dance

Reawakening of the Medicine People: "If Only Our Eyes Saw Spirit"

Reawakening of the Medicine People: Return of the Bearwalker

Stories and Teachings from the Earth: The Rocks That Sing

Stories and Teachings from the Earth: Gift from the Great Sea Turtle

Stories and Teachings from the Earth: Turtle and Bear, Guardian of the Shaking Tent

Stories and Teachings from the Earth: Wenabozho and the Evil Spirit of the White Mountain

Stories and Teachings from the Earth: Round Dance of the Sky Bear People

Stories and Teachings from the Earth: The First Sound of Creation

Stories and Teachings from the Earth: Giiwedinong? Geget!

Stories and Teachings from the Earth: A Tribute to Our Medicine Women
Stories and Teachings from the Earth: Akiwenzii's Teaching

Stories and Teachings from the Earth: Mother Earth's Rattle

Stories and Teachings from the Earth: Wenabozho and the Meaning of Aadizooke

Stories and Teachings from the Earth: Dreaming of the Bagwajiwininiwag

Stories and Teachings from the Earth: Dance of the 13 Moons - An Introduction to the Lunar Calendar of the Anishinaabe Peoples

Stories & Teachings from the Earth: Wenabozho and the Teaching of the Thunder Mountain Loon
Stories & Teachings from the Earth: We All Come From the Same Place

Stories & Teachings from the Earth: Why Storytelling Is About Context

Stories & Teachings from the Earth: What Is My Real Body?

Stories and Teachings From the Earth: A Word About Grandparents and their Grandchildren
Stories and Teachings From the Earth: Do Bears and Spiders Dream?
Stories and Teachings From the Earth: Wenabozho and the Big White Orange Wind-maker Spirit
Stories and Teachings From the Earth: Fire of the Buffalo
Artist's Inspirations, part 1: The Appeal

Artist's Inspirations, part 2: Everlasting Flower of Fire

Artist's Inspirations, part 3: The True Legacy of Chief Pontiac

Artist's Inspirations, part 4: Children of the Great Mystery

Artist's Inspirations, part 5: Spirits of the Mountains

Artist's Inspirations, part 6: Why I Started to Paint

Artist's Inspirations, part 7: Our Love Stems from a Dream

Artist's Inspiration, part 8: Reflections on a Ceremonial Bundle and on the Nature of Our Language

Spirit of the Seasons, part 1: Spirit of the Blueberries

Spirit of the Seasons, part 2: Spirit of Autumn

Spirit of the Seasons, part 3: A Celebration of Life

Spirit of the Seasons, part 4: Life Is a Gift

Spirit of the Seasons, part 5: When the Spirits of Summer and Winter Meet

Spirit of the Seasons, part 6: Mother Earth and the 13 Moons of Creation

Spirit of the Seasons, part 7: Return of the Wiindigoo

Spirit of the Seasons, part 8: Welcome, Strawberry Moon!

Spirit of the Seasons, part 9: When the Heart Berry Moon Speaks

Spirit of the Seasons, part 10: Why we Celebrate the New Year in Winter

Spirit of the Seasons, part 11: Aadizooke-When Stories Become Spirits

Spirit of the Seasons, part 12: Mother Earth's Dream and the Birth of our Lunar Calendar

Spirit of the Seasons, part 13: The Rise of the Super Blue Moon

Spirit of the Seasons, part 14: Song of the Sky Bison

Spirit of the Seasons, part 15: When Mother Earth and Grandmother Moon Meet

Spirit of the Seasons, part 16: Why the New Year Is Celebrated in Winter
Reflections of a Storyteller, part 1: When There Is No Snow on the Groun
Reflections of a Storyteller, part 2: The Indigenous Identity Question - How to Sit Firm in the Eye of the Hurricane
Reflections of a Storyteller, part 3: Beware of the Orange Wiindigoo
Reflections of a Storyteller, part 4: Tammo Geertsema Is My Grandfather's name
Reflections of a Storyteller, part 5: Wenabozho and the Pretendian Hunters
Reflections of a Storyteller, part 6: Wenabozho and the Stepping Stones
Reflections of a Storyteller, part 7: The Place I'm in Is Who I Am
Migizi Says, part 1

Migizi Says, part 2

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